Five days after Kaylee turned ONE Tyler turned FIVE!!
Tyler wanted a "swimming party" so we sent out the invitations and began planning.
Me: "What to you want to serve for lunch?"
Tyler: "Peanut Butter sandwiches"
Me: "What about chicken nuggets? or we can barbecue hamburgers and hot dogs"
Tyler: "No, just peanut butter sandwiches"
His sandwich of choice is only the bread (no crust) and just plain ol' peanut butter. No jam, honey or anything of the sort.
So I decided to make p.b. sandwiches plain, some with jam and then turkey. I had to give the kids a choice.....looking back they probably didn't even care; but I like options!!
A good time was had by all. He received some nice gifts and most of them had to do with Ben 10 (his new favorite show).
Here are just ten things we love about Ty Ty:
1. His gorgeous chocolate brown eyes (and long eyelashes too)
2. His smile....it melts your heart
3. His sense of humor
4. His quirkiness
5. The hugs he gives to just about everyone he meets
6. When it's too quiet in the house and I go searching for Tyler and find him quietly looking at a stack of books
7. When he says "Mommy, I love you" (it's always unsolicited and always genuine)
8. His desire to learn and excitement to start Kindergarten
9. He still likes to sleep with his burp rags (I wash them every once in awhile :))
10. He fits perfectly in the middle....he is a terrific little brother and a great big brother!

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