August 17, 2008

I Love the Way You Move...

Kaylee has been cruising for a couple months now but she has only started to walk on her own these past two weeks. Everyday she walks more and crawls less. It is so fun to see her grow and learn new skills. Brian couldn't resist setting her steps to music. Enjoy!!


Amanda said...

Yeah, Kaylee girl is walking! She is so cute! That is funny that you put it to music - I can't believe how big she is getting. You need to send that little girl to FL so I can love on her :)

Anonymous said...

what a cutie! I can't believe how big she is! I still have never met her but it seems like she wasn't born very long ago.

Jennie Blaser said...

That is so adorable! You'll have to teach me how to put music to your videos! She is getting so big!

Anonymous said...

Mindy, I found this by accident it was so great to c your family and the pictures from Colorado!!! I can't believe Gigi just had her 15th great -grandchild and # 16 on the way!! I hope you keep posting pictures I love to c them Have a great Fall, I am going to Colorado on Sep 21 to c Gigi and Zac's new baby Scott Steven Love to all
Aunti Kim