Austin just finished his first ever basketball season. I think we found HIS sport. He loved getting the ball and once he did he wasn't going to let go of it until he made it to the basket so he could shoot. Actually all the kids wanted the ball so they could do the same thing! It was so fun to watch these 6-7 year olds play ball. Austin was pretty aggressive offensively AND defensively. We need to get this boy his own basketball hoop. It was a fun two months and he is excited to get his trophy at the award ceremony this coming Saturday. Thanks to all the family who planned their trips according to his game schedule. He loved having you there. Oh yeah....I can't forget the best part of every game! After every basket Austin made he would look over to his cheerleading section with the HUGEST smile on his face and a big THUMBS UP sign! Classic Austin. He doesn't love attention does he?

I had to take this picture and include it in my post because it was so sweet. One day Tyler was put in time-out and after a minute or two I look over and Kaylee is sitting next to him keeping him company.

Every girl has to have a pair of Jimmy Choos and Kaylee is starting early! Okay, so the shoes I wore to church today weren't made by Jimmy but a girl can try! While I was making dinner tonight my feet hurt so I took my shoes off and Kaylee decided to try them on. I think every woman has a picture of herself trying on her mom's shoes....it was so fun to have MY DAUGHTER try on my shoes. This was a must have picture! By the way....this girl is now starting to pose for the camera by putting such a HUGE smile on her face (see top picture). Such a ham!
I love my kids!
Yeah, for Austin being a stud at basketball! He is tall, so maybe this will be his sport :)
That is a cute picture of Ty and Kaylee girl - so sweet.
If he have a pair of Jimmy Choos will you please let me borrow them? Kaylee is so cute, I miss that little girl!
Hi Mindy
It's Nancy, Zach's wife. Kim shared your blog address with me. It is neat to see how you guys are doing. Zach and the baby and I are doing well. You can check us out at:
Hope to keep in touch!
she is too cute, i can't believe she's already walking, she still so tiny.
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