April 16, 2009


So a few weeks ago I had my ultrasound and we were told we are having another little girl. We are excited about this new addition to our family! Now if we can just come up with a name that both Brian and I agree on!

Here is a little video of our baby girl!


Amanda said...

I am so excited for baby girl McNamara! I can't wait to see her and get my hands on her! I love the sidebar counting down your days - already 24 weeks. You should post some pregger pictures! Miss you!

Anonymous said...

Aww, congratulations. How fun. I hope you are feeling well. Are your other little ones excited? I hope the rest of your pregnancy is a cake walk!

mike and jenn said...

Congratulations! I haven't checked your blog for awhile and was so happy to see your wonderful news-two boys and two girls-how perfect! Hope all is well for you.

Kim said...

Congratulations! That is so exciting!

Amy said...

Congrats! We're excited for you guys!