September 11, 2009

Playing catch up

Life has been super busy with little Macie joining our family. She is such a sweet baby and her siblings ADORE her. Enjoy a few pictures from the past few weeks.

First day of school-August 10, 2009
Austin is in 3rd grade and Tyler in 1st grade.
Kaylee wanted to go to school too. Gotta love her "no pants" look and her backpack (that is almost as big as she is) and her million dollar smile!

Our handsome boys! They love each other and are so excited to see each other during lunch and recess. Austin told me that whenever he sees Tyler he goes over to him and gives him a big hug! So sweet! I love that they are good friends and that Austin isn't embarrassed to hug his little brother in front of the other kids.

Little Macie snoozing

My parents with Macie Grace.


Amanda said...

Such cute pictures! I can't believe how old Tyler and Austin look. And it is so sweet that they are such good friends. I can't wait to see you in a few weeks!

katie said...

HI, Mindy

It is your cousin, Katie, I look at your blog all the time but don't know if I have ever made a comment. I love your cute family. Everytime I see Austin it makes me think of my little Jensen, they were born within about of a month of each other. Your kids are absouluty adorable. Tell your parents hi for me. I miss all of you!!! Congratulations on your addition, Macie.

Love ya,