That's what Kaylee likes to do. Anytime she hears the fridge or freezer door open she stops what she is doing and tries to get to the fridge before it closes. Here is a picture of her in action.
Pondering what to eat!
"I'll have grapes, a sippie cup of milk and some bread, please!"
So we have the finale of "So You Think You Can Dance" on our DVR still and I am under strict orders (from Austin) not to delete it. He watches parts of it several times a week and dances along during the group dances. He tells me that he is dancing like Twitch (his favorite dancer on the show) and it is hilarious. He rolls around the floor a little, then does some sumersaults and other "creative" moves that I can't describe; you have to see it in person! Here are a few shots of the kids dancing. Tyler and Kaylee try to keep up and they have their own unique style of dance too (not sure what to call it).
I can only imagine the dance scenes in real life. Hilarious! (I was a Twitch fan, too)
Kaylee girl is so cute and getting so big! Mom & Dad keep saying how much fun they had at your house this past weekend and that Kaylee is the cutest!
Austin is so funny - maybe you should enroll him in a dance class :) tell Brian I said that! he likes HS musical too so maybe he will be a dancer - think ballroom dances in Dancing w/ the Stars!
So fun. What a great post!
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